After almost two full years, more precisely of Star Wars Celebration Europe 2013. in Essen, I was again with part of the team with which I had actually spent a so short time but had unforgettable experiences which is my daily motivation how much in private so much in business sphere of my life. All those statements about anglo-saxon coldness and aloofness definitely falling into the water, only what is a cold in Cardiff and London is weather. An interesting description of United Kingdom is presented by an elderly gentleman from Iraq in whose bakery in Cardiff I was stopping by every day upon returning to the hotel. This man was come there in the seventies of the last century and build a new life in a country where he says is the country which receive and take care about everyone, provides opportunities for a normal life which protects with strict incorruptible judiciary. He gave me a description of Judge Dredd. Indeed the Kingdom.
Through the camera lens I have immortalized all those royal things which are fulfill Cardiff and London, and spend seven days of good time on a bad weather (air temperature from 10 to 18°C accompanied by periodic showering). And last day of London under cover of the Secret Cinema we defended United Kingdom and planet Earth from evil galactic empire. Of course we did in another galaxy in a way that we have disrupted their plans for occupation of our planet. How? So because we Rebel X and it's a secret that I will only slightly spoil.
Tattoo convention
Cardiff City
Matt Difa's "Jolie Rouge Tattoo" in London
When we was arrived from Cardiff to London, we was dropped off in Jolie Rouge Tattoo studio. Jolie Rogue is a Matt Difa's tattoo studio arranged in a warm Victorian style, an atmosphere like in Da Vinci's workshop. Matt Difa is a tattoo master with whose work I was first time met in 2007 in the book The Force in the Flash. Since then I have follow his work, which is a specific blend of old English school and modern tattooing. His work is my daily reference during all these years and this Monday I had the privilege in person to attend his tattooing and to mooch a piece of his knowledge. Endlessly thank you Matt Difa.
Secret Cinema London - Star Wars Epizode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Secret Cinema is alive experience of cinema, combining film screenings with interactive performances in purpose-built sets in which is audience involved. The most convincing role playing game ever. To make your experience as complete the crew was completely dressed up for the show in the Star Wars style and we have just under a secret name and Rebel X secret code with rebel's transporter take off from London and thru hyperspace we was transferred to another galaxy on the planet Tatooine. From Tattooine we was smuggling to Alderan blueprints of imperial technological horrors where did we get into an asteroid field and were captured on Death Star. At the Death Star I went to prison because I did not want to conquer to the empire but I escaped from prison, taking advantage of carelessness of Sith apprentice. With the help of Luke, Han and Chewbacca we was escaped to Yavin 4 where we attended the to ceremony of their honoring for heroism in defending the rebel base on Yavin 4. From Yavin 4 we was transferred to the Hoth where was real expirience of the events shown in the movie The Empire Strikes Back. Theres no photos of Secret Cinema because it is a secret. What it looked like makeup and preparation for cinema show you can see in the photos below.